Monday, October 20, 2008

Official Google Blog: Our position on California's No on 8 campaign

Official Google Blog: Our position on California's No on 8 campaign


Unknown said...

You're right, your ignorance is bliss! Check how ignorance is spelled on your front page!
A vote for O'Bama or McCain is a vote for socialism!

Marriage is defined as being between a man and a woman! Overwhelmingly confirmed by the people(voters) of the State of California in the year 2000!

R.P.G. said...

Thank you, simcoe for pointing out my typing error. However, I don't think that a typo is a reason for calling someone ignorant. Ignorance is the lack of knowledge, education, or awareness, not a slip of the finger. People like you are afraid; you fear what is not familiar to you. Fear is a feeling of agitation and anxiety caused by the presence or imminence of what one feels is dangerous. You are displaying agitation in your comment. I have a suggestion. Do some research. Use non-biased sources and come to your own conclusions. People are born with certain likes and dislikes. It's not a choice. I like strawberry icecream. I like the beach. Some people are attracted to others of the same sex. Do you think they CHOSE to live a life that is hated by so many? Leave the rights of others alone.

Unknown said...

Well hold on a minute! Seems to me you handed out the first
"ingnorant" shot by way of your title on the front page. I was simply pointing out how right you are! Next, Why do you assume that I am afraid of homosexuals and that it is unfamiliar to me? Please, stop making assumptions and stop labeling me for what I believe in. Also, you assume that their lifestyle is hated by so many! I know I never said I hate them, I just think that marriage should be recognized as between a man and a woman! Do you agree with polygamy? According to you this is about equality right?

Anonymous said...

Mormons, who support polygomy, have cold heartedly supported prejudice in many forms. By supporting Prop 8 they have continued a pattern of hate. Utah is not that far from California and the voters of 2008 will have the last word.

Unknown said...

Hey - I'm here from your listing on Craigslist. I saw that people were out on the corner protesting prop 8 tonight and was wondering if you were one of those people, and also what days you're going to be out there as I'd like to join up. So.. is saturday for real?

Simcoe: God forbid your right to marry was taken from you. Your stance is the present day version of denying African Americans or women the right to vote. I'm a human being and all I want is to be treated as such, with the same opportunities and rights as anyone else. Love is love, regardless of genitalia.

Unknown said...

To Anonymous: You're right about Polygamy being supported by Mormons in the past. Let's see, according to your stance, you make that argument valid for them! However, I'm sure you don't realize that! It seems that the term "hate" is all you people use to argue against our point of view. You're the one that hates! You just can't stand the fact that people supporting prop 8 want to live in a society with some sort of decency. Oh and by the way, voters in California spoke overwhelmingly in the year 2000, validating how we the people choose to recognize marriage!


R.P.G. said...

Come on Simcoe, this is 2008, not 2000. It's time to move forward. By the way, I do not hate you. I am not that type of person.

R.P.G. said...

Hi Shane,

I have corresponded with someone else who is organzing more rallies and have changed the listing on craigslist. I am referring everyone to attend Thursday at MHS Rd./Marg, 5-7pm and the mall on Sunday. I think if we focus on those two days, there will be a better turnout.